What is Salat - Benefits of Salat

Salat ranks second among the five pillars of Islam. What is Salat - We need to know about the benefits of Salat. If we do not know what Salat is - what are the benefits of Salat then we cannot lead our life properly. What is Salat - Read my post carefully to know the benefits of Salat.


The Prophet (PBUH) said that the head of religion is Islam and its pillar is Salat. Reciting certain rukans and zikirs in a specific manner at a fixed time is called Salat in Islamic Shari'ah terms. What is Salat - The benefits of Salat are discussed below.

What is Namaz or Salat?

Salat is an Arabic word. Its Bengali equivalent is prayer. The dictionary meaning of Salat or Namaz is - to pray, to be obedient, to read tasbeeh, to describe purity, to recite durood, to ask for forgiveness, etc. There are five pillars of Islam. Among them, Salat is the second pillar and the greatest and universal worship. Namaz or Salat is called the pole of the day. Those who do not pray do not have faith. It is impossible to maintain faith without prayer. Allah says - "Pray in remembrance of Me".

The Prophet (PBUH) said that the head of religion is Islam and its pillar is Salat. Reciting specific romans and zikr's in a specific manner at a specified time is called Salat in the terminology of Islamic Shari'ah. Many authors have described Salat. According to them, Salat is - Tanzim Ash tat, author of the book, said, Salat is a set of specific arcan, ahkam and actions at a specific time. Library Muzamul Osiyat said - Salat is the name of a specific worship clearly described at the appointed time of Shariat.

Salat is obligatory on every Muslim man and woman. Allah Ta'ala has made Salat five times a day obligatory. Salat is a form of worship in which a person becomes an honest, devoted and ideal person. Allah says, "Indeed, successful are the Muslims who are modest in their prayer." Salat is obligatory worship given by Allah. Allah says - "Surely it is obligatory for the believers to establish the prayer at the appointed time" (Surah Al-Ma'ida, verse 103).

Salat is one of the ways to meet God. Salat is equivalent to Miraj. In the hadith it is mentioned that "prayer is like a mirage for the believers". Salat prevents people from wrongdoing and misdeeds. Allah says "Surely Salat prevents indecency and evil deeds". Salat helps people to unite. Allah says - You bow down, with those who bow down. Allah said - "Worship your Lord".

Pray five times. Prayer keeps the thoughts of God always awake in the mind of a person and spiritual progress is achieved through it. Allah says - "Meaning Allah is the best". Shah Sufi Hazrat Majeed Fakir Rahmatullah said - Establish Salat gradually. How to get rid of this prayer. A Muslim is a person who prays. It is possible to gain God's presence only through prayer. So it is said that prayer brings peace to the mind. Salat is the key to Paradise.

Namaz / Identity of Salat / History of Namaz

The word Salat is used in Quran and Hadith. Namaz Persian word. Salat is the Arabic word for prayer. The literal meaning of Salat is to supplicate, to turn towards someone, to advance, to ask for forgiveness, to recite Durood, to pray, etc. Salat is a special worship of Allah. In a hadith, Ayesha (R.A.) said - In the beginning, prayer at home and two rakats when traveling was obligatory. (Muslim) Five times prayer is obligatory on the night of Miraj. Friday prayer is obligatory in the first Hijri. (Salatur Rasool).

Allah says in the Holy Qur'an about prayer - Command your family members to pray and keep doing it regularly, I do not ask for sustenance from you, I give sustenance to you and good results are for the righteous. (Surah Taha, verse 132). Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A) He said - The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said - Islam is founded on five things.

1) There is no god but Allah and the Messenger of Allah.

2) Establishing prayers,

3) Paying Zakat,

4) Fasting,

5) Hajj (Bukhari and Muslim).

Salat or prayer is an obligatory act of worship proven by hadith. It is not clear whether prayer was obligatory on any prophet or messenger before. However, it is found in the hadith of Miraj that two times of prayer were obligatory on Hazrat Musa Alai Salaam (Fajr and Maghrib).

The description of Surah Rad is available on the ummah of Hazrat Sulaiman (as) that the Asr prayer was obligatory. The Isha prayer is only for the ummah of Hazrat Muhammad (s). Namaz is obligatory since the prophethood of the Prophet. At that time, the number of rakats for Fajr and Asr prayers was two rakats (Qurtubi).

What are the types of prayer/salat?

Prayer is the best way to get close to Allah. Prayer is a blessing for the believer. Prayer is the best means of expressing obedience to Allah and remembering Him. Five daily prayers are obligatory on every Muslim. There are also Friday Friday prayers, two Eid prayers. There are also many nafal prayers. Namaaz is divided into different parts, viz.


The prayers that must be performed are called obligatory prayers. If you do not perform the obligatory prayer, it is a sin. Obligatory prayer again. 2 types. Namely:-

Forced law

The prayer which is obligatory on everyone separately is called obligatory law. For example - 5 times daily prayer.

Farje Kefaya

That prayer is not obligatory on everyone individually. If some people collect from one area, it is collected from all, it is called obligatory kefaya. For example - funeral prayer.


Along with the obligatory prayers, the prayer that Islam has given more importance to is the Sunnah prayer. There are 2 types of Sunnah prayer. Namely:-

Muakkadah in the Sunnah

The prayer which the Prophet (PBUH) performed regularly is called Sunnah Muaqqada. For example - two rakat sunnat prayers before Fajr obligatory prayer, two rakat sunnat prayers before Zuhr obligatory prayer, two rakats after Maghrib obligatory prayer, two rakats after Isha obligatory prayer and Taraweeh prayer.

Muaqqadah outside the Sunnah or Zaidah in the Sunnah

The prayer that the Prophet (PBUH) did not perform regularly and did not leave it for special needs is called Muakkadah in the Sunnah. For example - four rakat sunnat prayers before the Asr prayer, four rakat sunnat prayers before the Isha prayer.

Nafal prayer

The prayer which does not commit sin but obtains everything is called nafal namaz. For example - Tahajjud, Tahiyatul Aju, Ashrak, Chasht, Awabeen, Salatul Hajat, Dukhulil Masjid, Salaatus Shokar, Salatut Tawba, Salatul Sakaratul Maut are various types of nafl prayers.

obligatory prayer

The most important prayer after the obligatory prayer is the wajib prayer. For example - two Eid prayers and Witr prayers.

Namaz/Salaat time

Every prayer has a specific time. The timings are discussed below –

It's dawn time / Fajor

Fajr prayer time is from Subeh Sadiq until sunrise. Hazrat Ayesha (RA) said, Rasulullah (SAW) used to offer the Fajr prayer at such a time that the praying girls would not be recognized due to the darkness when they wrapped their cloaks and returned. (Muslim and Bukhari, page 60). Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to pray the Fajr prayer (in "galas" i.e. when there was a little darkness, Bukhari and Muslim).

Usually Subeh Sadiq rises one and a half hours before sunrise and sometimes 15 to 20 minutes before and after depending on the season. Which is called Awal Waqt of Fajr. Narrated by Imam Tahabi Rahmatullahi, according to the hadith, the Fajr prayer should be started when it is a little dark. And "Esfere" should finish if a little fair.

Zohar time

The time of Zohr begins after the sun has set overhead in the west until the shadow of an object is equal to that object (Muslim). Narrated by Anas Radi Allahu Anha that the Prophet (PBUH) used to pray Zuhr late in summer and early in winter (Nasa'i, Meshkat, page 62).

It's time for the event/Asor

After the shadow of an object becomes equal, it begins to double until the sun sets at Asr (Muslim). The Prophet (PBUH) said that when the sun turns yellow and comes between the horns of Satan, the hypocrites pray Asr (Muslim, Meshkat, page-60). Asr prayer should be offered before the sun turns a little yellow. It is also narrated from the famous Imam Abu Hanifa that the time of Asr begins with its shadow.

Maghrib time

Maghrib is from sunset until the red glow disappears in the western sky. (Muslim, Meshkat, page-59). Rafi Ibn Khudaiz said, We used to pray with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Then if one of us went and shot an arrow, we would see the place where the arrow landed (Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat, page-60).

Esha time

The Prophet (PBUH) said that after the red light disappears in the western sky until midnight is the time of Isha (Muslim).

Benefits of Namaz / Salat

Among the five pillars of Islam, prayer or Salat is the second pillar. Place of prayer after faith. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Rabbul Alamin mentioned about prayer, "Say! Let My servants who believe establish prayer and spend from what We have given them". Five daily prayers are obligatory on every healthy man and woman. Namaz is an obligatory act of worship but it has many benefits -

  • It is better to make a long prostration in prayer. When we prostrate in prayer, our brains
  • Blood flows quickly. As a result, our memory increases.
  • Prayer is the best means of Muslim unity. For the purpose of praying five times a day
  • Muslims gather in mosques and establish a sense of brotherhood.
  • When we stand in prayer, our eyes are fixed on the place of prostration.
  • Due to which our attention in prayer increases.
  • Prayer teaches us obedience
  • Prayer is an extremely beneficial exercise for our body. The exercise is small and large
  • Beneficial for all.
  • Prayer is another great way to build our character. Through remembrance of the hereafter
  • Standing in prayer five times a day. And Tawheed, Resalaat five times a day
  • And by remembering the Hereafter, people remove the bad aspects of character 
  • Prayer teaches people to lead. Because an imam in prayer
  • People learn to lead through having to follow.
  • Through prayer comes a wonderful change in our mind.
  • Mutual cooperative attitude of people is developed in prayer. The reason is the only one
  • It is through prayer that people gather in the mosque five times a day.
  • Prayer teaches us cleanliness. A believer every day
  • He can keep himself clean by performing ablution five times.
  • If you pray, the mind is pure. As a result, people refrain from various anti-social activities can protect
  • Prayer teaches discipline. Because people pray every day
  • Assembled in the mosque at fixed times five times.
  • People's vitality increases through prayer.
  • Proximity to Allah can be achieved only through prayer.

Last word: What is Salat - Benefits of Salat

Among the five pillars of Islam, prayer or Salat is the second pillar. Place of prayer after faith. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Rabbul Alamin mentioned about prayer, "Say! Let My servants who believe establish prayer and spend from what We have given them". Five daily prayers are obligatory on every healthy man and woman.

I have discussed what Salat is - the benefits of Salat, what are the types of Salat and what is it, the fixed time of Salat. I hope this post will be useful for you.

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