Mobile Phone Essay - Learn about (For all class)

In the exam our students have to write essays. Essay is mandatory in any exam be it public exam or class exam. I have tried to write in detail about mobile phone essay. If your exam comes about mobile phone essay then write this essay i hope you will get good marks.


After reading this mobile phone essay, the other essays you can write are: Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones, Advances in Mobile Phones Essay Writing, Uses of Mobile Phones, Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones etc. So the details about mobile phone composition are discussed below-

Mobile Phone Essay 


The mobile phone is one of the many amazing inventions of modern science. A mobile phone is an improved version of the telephone. We know that civilization is the stepping stone of evolution. And civilization is the sum of wisdom, talent, and experience of human life. Modern civilization has created many wonderful electronic things. And one of the most essential inventions in this 20th century is the mobile phone.

Mobile phones are an essential part of the modern world. It is an indispensable tool for quick communication. But now not only as a means of communication, mobile phones are used for various purposes. Mobile phone is the most popular and essential medium for people today.

What is a mobile phone?

A mobile phone is a wireless electronic device. Mobile phones are also called cellular phones or handphones. English Mobile (Mobile) whose Bengali equivalent is transferable or mobile device. A mobile phone is a small-sized device that allows two-way or full duplex communication using cellular networks. Mobiles have input and output units for transmitting data or receiving sound.

Every mobile has a display unit or screen and with the help of this display unit or screen the user can see all kinds of information from the other end of Asha Call on his phone. The time and date are displayed on the display of every mobile. Every mobile phone has an antenna with the help of which people can communicate with other people quickly.

The invention of the mobile phone

Dr. Martin Cooper is the father of the mobile phone. He made the first successful communication through a mobile phone on 3 April 1973. In 1973, Dr. Martin Cooper made the first hand-held mobile set in New York City, USA. And this is why Martin Cooper is called the father of the mobile phone. The first phone he invented in 1973 weighed about 1 kg.

In 1983, a phone named Motorola Diana "Ts 8000x" was released. In 1989, Japan started the first commercial cellular network system, and then in 1990, around 124 million people were using mobile phones around the world. The popularity of mobile phones increased in a very short time and by 2010 the number of mobile users around the world was about 460 million.

The prevalence of mobile phones

In the 19th century, scientist Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was able to communicate with people far away by telephone. And from this simplification of the telephone system, today's invention is the mobile phone. Mobile phones were first used in Germany. In 1996, mobile phone usage started in Bangladesh.

Mobile phone in Bangladesh

In April 1993, the first mobile phone was launched in Bangladesh. "Hutchison Bangladesh" Telecom Limited launched the first mobile phone service in Bangladesh using AMPS mobile technology in Dhaka city. In 1996, the use of mobile phones began. Currently, Bangladesh Grameenphone, Banglalink, Teletalk, City Cell, and Airtel companies have occupied the market in Bangladesh.

In 1996, the government granted approval to three companies, Grameenphone, Seva, and Airtel, to operate their operations. And in that context, mobile phone usage fulfills the expectations of the middle class. As a result, mobile phones became accessible to common people.

Mobile phone connection

Scientifically some elements have to be integrated to get a mobile connection. A mobile handset first needs to hold the essential components of the mobile properly. To get the mobile connection properly, the SIM card, pin code, and user's personal information and photo must be correct. Without any of these three elements, mobile connectivity cannot be established. A network is connected to the SIM card to control the phone. Networks scattered in different places keep 100% communication with SIM cards.

Use of mobile phones

The use of mobile phones started about 30 years ago. At present, about 87 percent of the total population of the country has come under mobile communication. In the beginning mobile phones were used by rich and noble families. But nowadays mobile phones can be seen with everyone, not the rich and the fakirs. According to the 2012 survey, more than 11 crore people have come under the mobile phone coverage in Bangladesh. Day by day the popularity of mobile is increasing. Not only talking on the mobile phone but many more services can be received through the mobile phone. Such as SMS, MMS, Email, Internet, Bluetooth, etc. can be used.

Mobile phone requirements

At present, in this era of advancement of science, the need for mobile phones is immense in establishing relationships with education, cultural ritual use, etc. through the use of mobile phones. Nowadays human life cannot be imagined without information and technology. A mobile phone is an electrical device whose necessity is ubiquitous in modern life. Mobile has brought service SMS to eliminate the waiting and uncertainty of writing letters and receiving letters of the past.

This mobile phone has brought the computer world to hand. Email, and the internet are all now on mobile phones. All types of still and moving photography are readily available and are possible through this mobile phone. Apart from the daily needs, the mobile has a myriad of entertainment options. All TV programs including radio, gaming, mp3 can be enjoyed through mobile. Candidates can see their public exam results at home within minutes.

College, and university admission tests, job test form filling, etc. are done through mobile phones. It is becoming possible to implement the net banking system through mobile. It is hoped that in the future it will be possible to use mobile phones as an alternative to credit cards. Mobile phones are device that can be found at home like Aladdin's lamp.

Mobile phone is a medium of communication

Communication is an essential component of a healthy life. By using the internet through mobile phones we can collect any particular matter through email. I can get news of people living far away in a moment. Any necessary thing can be downloaded and used again if necessary for the welfare of the mobile.

Mobile is the medium of mind entertainment

Mobile phone is one of the means of entertainment for people. By listening to music, taking pictures, playing games, watching videos, etc., it is possible to fulfill the entertainment needs of people.

Other Mobile Services

Mobile phones play a special role in improving the quality of life. Various services can be provided to the public through mobile phones. Also, various operators disseminate information including health services or telemedicine, agricultural services, and weather news, which help to improve the quality of life of the people.

Contribution of mobile phones in national life

The importance of mobile phones in social and national life is immense. By using mobile phones it is possible to make people aware of the economic status of the people, family planning, natural disasters, and above all the education system through short messages. And this awareness has a great impact on national life.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

Mobile phone is one of our daily essential devices. Mobile phones have advantages as well as disadvantages. Like any scientific invention, mobile phones have their downsides. Nowadays mobile phones are more harmful than beneficial. The disadvantages of mobile phones are given below-

Mobile is the medium of mind entertainment

Mobile phone is one of the means of entertainment for people. By listening to music, taking pictures, playing games, watching videos, etc., it is possible to fulfill the entertainment needs of people.

Other Mobile Services

Mobile phones play a special role in improving the quality of life. Various services can be provided to the public through mobile phones. Also, various operators disseminate information including health services or telemedicine, agricultural services, and weather news, which help to improve the quality of life of the people.

Contribution of mobile phones in national life

The importance of mobile phones in social and national life is immense. By using mobile phones it is possible to make the people aware of the economic status of the people, family planning, natural disasters, and above all the education system through short messages. And this awareness has a great impact on national life.

Mobile is the medium of mind entertainment

Mobile phone is one of the means of entertainment for people. By listening to music, taking pictures, playing games, watching videos, etc., it is possible to fulfill the entertainment needs of people.

Internet usage

Thanks to the internet, the whole world has become a single community today, a global village. Any information can be sent to other countries within seconds by using internet through mobile. It is possible to collect and store any necessary information in the world. Books can be downloaded and read from any library in the world.

Mobile is the medium of mind entertainment

Mobile phone is one of the means of entertainment for people. By listening to music, taking pictures, playing games, watching videos, etc., it is possible to fulfill the entertainment needs of people.

Other Mobile Services

Mobile phones play a special role in improving the quality of life. Various services can be provided to the public through mobile phones. Also, various operators disseminate information including health services or telemedicine, agricultural services, weather news, which help to improve the quality of life of the people.

Contribution of mobile phones in national life

The importance of mobile phones in social and national life is immense. By using mobile phones it is possible to make the people aware about the economic status of the people, family planning, natural disasters, above all the education system through short messages. And this awareness has a great impact on national life.

Disadvantages of mobile phones

Mobile phone is one of our daily essential devices. Mobile phones have advantages as well as disadvantages. Like any scientific invention, mobile phones have their downsides. Nowadays mobile phones are more harmful than beneficial. The disadvantages of mobile phones are given below-

Waste of money

The biggest waste of money is through mobile phones. According to the National Board of Revenue in 2013, the import fee on mobile SIM has been reduced from Tk 600 to Tk 300. And as a result of this accessibility, customers are increasing. And money is being wasted. What people can finish in 1 minute is finishing in 10 minutes. Which is leading to his financial loss.

increase in crime

Mobile phones are the main crime tool of today. The most common crime committed through mobile is lying. Also murder, terrorism, extortion, kidnapping are all done using mobile phones. Cybercrime is on the rise for mobile phones. Mobile phones are wasting time and spoiling the character of students. Mobile phones are solely responsible for the current immorality.

Damage to health

Mobile phones have become a cause of damage to people's health. For example-

Mobile phone radiation is responsible for cancer

Excessive use of mobile phones is reducing the reproductive capacity of people

Talking continuously for more than three minutes disrupts blood circulation

Ear damage occurs due to which people lose their hearing

Pressure on the lungs and heart

Brain damage

Study is damaged

The work is damaged

While talking on the mobile phone causes accidents while crossing the road

So mobile phone should be used only when necessary without excessive use. This will prevent wastage of time and reduce wastage.

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Mobile phones are a unique contribution to science. Through mobile phone it is possible to gather news of the whole world within a minute which in ancient times took months and days and days to get news. But with the contribution of modern mobile phones, people can know everything in a moment at home. Although mobile phones are a blessing in today's world, they also have some downsides. And if these negative aspects are reduced and the mobile phone is used properly, it will bring benefits for everyone. Proper use of mobile phones will take us far in advanced progress. So we all should try to use mobile phone properly.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

অর্ডিনারি আইটির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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