Winter Morning - Paragraph for class 8 (all, 300 wards)

In this semester in Bangladesh, our students are required to write paragraphs on winter mornings in various exams. So I tried to write the  Winter Morning - Paragraph properly. Dear student, my post is for those of you who want to write the  Winter Morning - Paragraph in the exam.


Dear student, I have written this  Winter Morning - Paragraph for those of you who are looking for  Winter Morning - Paragraph and paragraph in 100 words.

Winter Morning - Paragraph

Leave the darkness, the dim sunset

Paush's dawn broke.

Bangladesh is a country of six seasons and winter is the fifth season of Bangladesh's seasonal cycle. In our country, the Paush and Magha months are the winter season. And the morning we perceive in these months of Paush and Magha is called winter morning. Winter mornings are very different from mornings in other seasons. The entire morning is covered in fog. The grass and trees are covered with a thick blanket of night-child dots. Sometimes the fog is so thick that sunlight cannot penetrate.

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Everything seems blurry even from a distance. The chirping of birds is not heard in winter mornings. Winter mornings are full of alchemy, due to which people get out of bed late. Other animals including cows cannot come out. In the winter morning, as if the sun is covering its face with shame and pride, then the golden color of the sun slowly raises its face and smiles. When the golden sunlight falls on the dewdrops on winter mornings, the dewdrops sparkle like pearls. So the poet Sunirmal Bose said-

The sweet sun is shining on the leaves;

I have a stiff body, - big cold brother.

Even then, no work should stop. Winter mornings start in the village with pitha festival. Even in this freezing cold, the people of the village prepare steamed pita, dudh puli, dudh chital, patisapta, payesh, etc. Winter morning seems pleasant to the big people but it is a lot of trouble to the clothless and homeless poor because the poor suffer a lot in winter and the rich enjoy the winter with joy. Unclothed and homeless people seek shelter and a little warm blanket of solace.

Come and sit in the sunshine

In the distance I see the light shining in the empty field

Poor people look to the sun for a little light. The sun is their only hope of survival. When the heat of the sun begins to beat upon them, they say like poets unconsciously -

I am sitting in the sun at Paush's sweet,

Go ahead and eat jaggery.


Dear student friends, I have tried to write the winter morning - paragraph properly for you. Irrespective of the class you are studying in, you can easily write this paragraph of mine. But little friends, you who are studying from class two to class five can write except one paragraph in the middle. But remember one thing, if you write paragraphs and essays, try to write with poet's quotes, and you will get good marks.

Ten (10) sentences about winter mornings

Winter mornings are shrouded in fog.

As soon as the sun rises on a winter morning, the fog clears.

In the morning of winter, people try to ward off the cold by wrapping fire coils.

People don't want to leave Lep Kantha on winter mornings.

Not everything can be seen clearly because of the fog on a winter morning.

One of the funs of winter mornings is date juice.

In the winter mornings, different types of pitches are prepared in the houses of the village.

The winter morning appears to the village people in a different form.

A winter morning gives rise to a unique feeling in our minds.

On a winter morning, the dew drops on the grass are glistening like pearls.

Many people sit waiting for the sweet sunshine of the winter morning.

In winter mornings, work is interrupted due to laziness.

Winter mornings are the perfect time for Pithapuli as date jaggery is available at this time.

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